Sunday, September 27, 2009

Points for Consideration

Hello Town Wide Community Committee Members.

I appreciate your warm welcome. Most of you have indicated that you received my email of 9/24. At our next meeting we should be able to focus on the following three interdependent details:

1. The Cafe Purpose
2. The Cafe Participants
3. The Potential Questions

Points for consideration:

Purpose: What are our intentions at the Cafe?

*Do the following goals capture your intentions? What revisions to these goals would better highlight your intentions?

---To develop a common vision of a community that collectively supports student learning and/or Town Wide Learning

---To collect information relative to community resources as they exist and what gaps exists with regard to the ideal?

---To create an atmosphere of trust and commitment around this initiative

---To gain a sense of appropriate "next steps"

Participants: Based on your intentions, who are the appropriate members of the community to invite to this initial cafe?

* Do you need a "tight group" of community members to begin this initial conversation or should a "wide base" of community members be involved?

Potential Questions: What questions would best align to your purpose and to energizing the cafe participants?

* Do any of the potential questions align and/or what revisions to the questions would best serve your purpose?

1. What would it look like if all community representatives partnered with schools to take mutual responsibility for student achievement?
2. How do I envision my role in a community where all adults clearly assume collective responsibility for every student’s success?
3. What would I contribute (knowledge, skills, experiences, human/program resources) to assist our community in supporting learning for all Cumberland students and/or town residents?
4. What are the opportunities/dilemmas in developing a partnership between all community members and the school department on behalf of the town students and residents?
5. What would it look like if every member of the community contributed to the education of our youth?
6. If our success was completely guaranteed as a Town Wide Learning Community what bold steps might we choose?

Let's be prepared to deal with the details of these three components at our next meeting on October 6Th.

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