Monday, May 17, 2010

meeting summary 5.10.2010

Cumberland Town Wide Learning Steering Team
Meeting Summary

Dee Gould, Donna Morelle, Tom Kenworthy, Ryan Pearson and Rosemary Reilly-Chammat

The group reviewed the meeting summary from the April 5th meeting. Donna will send out to the larger group with a reminder about the next meeting date, May 24, 2010 from 6-7:30 pm in the Hayden Center.

Rosemary provided a brief update from the multi-cultural subcommittee. Andy Anderson led the group. Tamara Burman and Lind McMullen attended. The group discussed holding neighborhood meetings to engage families in town wide learning. The next meeting of this subcommittee will be held on June 7th at 6:00 pm in the Boys and Girls Club. Andy will provide an update for the group at the May 24th meeting.

Donna discussed the Back to School event at BF Norton as a potential event to promote town wide learning. This idea will be discussed at our next meeting on May 24.

No one at the meeting knew the status of the summer learning calendar. Rosemary agreed to ask Lisa to provide an update on the summer learning calendar. Rosemary will ask Lisa to post the calendar on the website if its completed or near completion.
If there has not been progress with the summer calendar, the group thought it would be better to do a fall calendar. Rosemary will also ask Lisa to post the assets and the Arpil 5th meeting summary on the web. The group also discussed posting upcoming meetings such as multi-cultural subcommittee meeting planned on June 7th at 6:00 pm at the Boys and Girls Club.

We discussed transition and funding again. Donna reminded the group that the final report to the RI Foundation has not been completed. She will start it and send it out to the steering team for feedback and input. Once the report is finished, we can speak with the RI Foundation about potential next steps. Funding is essential to keep the momentum going especially as more ideas are generated to build this effort.

The group then discussed the working agenda detailed below. In preparation for the assets icebreaker activity, the assets list needs to be converted to labels that can be placed on index cards. Lisa has the most recent copy of the assets. Rosemary will ask Lisa if she can do it. Donna thought that Cindy could assist too.

Finally for the evening of May 24, Lisa please bring the poster sheets from the World Café, Paul please bring easel and paper so that we can record the feedback/ideas and Donna please bring the assets and world cafe summary discussion summaries for distribution.

Cumberland Town Wide Learning Community
May 24, 2010 6:00-7:30 pm
Working Agenda

Welcome and Introductions Donna and Paul (10 minutes)

Participants introduce themselves in pairs and then introduce each other to the group.
Housekeeping details such as the website and posting of work from the World Café and upcoming meetings etc

Ice Breaker – Assets Tom (20 minutes)
The “noun” assets are placed on the table and participants take 4-5 each. In pairs discuss:
Why is this asset on the list?
What purpose does it serve?
What services or activities are offered?
This discussion is repeated with the “values” assets.
Participants share out from their respective discussions one connection with the TWLC work. Record on easel paper.

Subcommittee Report Out
Summer Calendar of Learning Lisa (10 minutes)
Multicultural Group Andy (10 minutes)

Back to School Event- Promote TWLC Donna (30 minutes)
Share the information about the Back to School event and have a group discussion about work related to TWLC- secure support for participation etc. Record on easel paper.

Summary of the Evening’s Work and Next Steps Donna and Paul (10 minutes)
Next Meeting Date June 21, 2010 6:00-7:30 pm Summaries of World Café discussions
Adjourn - Participants will leave with the summaries from the World Café discussions.